Did you know that there is a secret ending hidden away within Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain? Without hacking the game, the only way to see this secret ending is if every player on the same system and the same regional server dispose of all their nuclear weapons. As reported by Silicon Era, if this occurs a Nuclear Disarmanent event is triggered for that particular platform. Konami monitors the progress on all platforms and it seems as if Xbox players have made the most progress towards a game world free from virtual nuclear weapons.
As of this writing there are only 35 nuclear weapons in the Xbox 360 version of the game. The Xbox One trails slightly behind with 52 nukes. According to Konami, the Xbox 360 version had 1,011 nuclear weapons and the Xbox One carried 525 as of November 1st. If you’re curious about our friends on PlayStation systems, the PS3 version has about 140 nuclear weapons and 188 in the PS4 version. PC gamers are apparently planning in-game Armageddon with a whopping 11,473 nukes still laying around. Konami will keep us updated via Twitter.
Image via Niche Gamer