Weekly Roundup
Welcome to the Weekly Roundup – Sept 17th to Sept 22. This past week was hit pretty hard with developer layoffs, but on the bright side we got a PS1 Classic announcement, Red Dead Online beta info and a whole lot more! Lets see what made the highlights of the week.
Finally Got Better!
PS Now recently got the option to finally be able to download PS4 and some classic PS2 titles onto your hard drive. This makes it a much more enjoyable experience!
Wish You All The Best Chris
Nintendo played a superhero. They were gracious and kind enough to allow terminally ill patient Chris Taylor a chance to play the game before full release!
A Final Farewell
Completely blindsiding everyone in the industry. Telltale Games was hit with massive layoffs, all but 25 employees are now gone.
Clicker Day!
Outbreak Day is upon us bringing with it a bunch of digital goodies and information potentially about The Last of Us 2!
Going Mini
PlayStation announced the PlayStation Classic! a $100USD mini version of the PS1 with 20 games fully loaded for your pleasure.
It’s Time
Netflix is braving the waters with Avatar: The Last Airbender as a live action series. Hopefully with the amazing talent and creativity behind Netflix, they can make this show another one of their big hits.
Sad Departure
Another studio gets the closure hammer. Capcom Vancouver has unfortunatley ceased all operation, with current projects being moved to Japan.
MW2 Returns
Another month, another NPD update! This time with a major surprise, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 actually made the top 10 list! You can thank Xbox Backwards Compatibility for that one.
Wrong Side Of Town
Red Dead Online Beta announcement.. need i say more? Seriously, I’m not saying more.
Get Me Peter Parker!
Holy Web-Slinging Batman! Oh right.. sorry! Marvel’s Spider-Man sold an incredible 3.3 million in 3 days! Absolutely bonkers!
Thanks for stopping by for another Weekly Roundup! Don’t forget to stop by www.ticgamesnetwork.com for all the best in news, reviews opinion pieces and more!