Weekly Recap
Welcome back to another Weekly Recap where the month of September is ending with some very impactful news. We’re being sent off into the month of October with some major things happening such as no PSX, the revival of X02018 (X ZERO 18) in Mexico City, PlayStation finally enabling cross-play and a whole lot more!
It’s Back!
After much fan feedback and criticism, it seems Microsoft is finally putting on an Xbox specific showcase called X Zero 18 (X018)! This used to be a showcase a long time ago, but now with its revival can we warrant some Xbox specific surprises coming?
A Perfectly Dark Rumour
It seems the trademark for Perfect Dark has been renewed, could this potentially lead to the revival of the series and more bad-assery from Joanna Dark?
KB+M Support Incoming
In partnership with Razer, a peripheral and gaming hardware manufacturer and designer, Xbox will be getting some sweet custom gear for the much anticipated Keyboard and Mouse support for Xbox One.
It Finally Happened
PlayStation took a ton of flak for it’s stance on cross-play with fans berating them to change it ever since the Fortnite account lock debacle. Now, after a decent amount of time PlayStation has changed its mind. Will this trend continue and will it open up doors for cross-play on other games?
Troy Baker’s Introduction
During the Tokyo Game Show, fans got another Death Stranding trailer to be confused about, but not so much as the other ones this time around! This trailer introduces Troy Bakers character, and gives a slight idea on how dark this world can be.
PlayStation announced that they have cancelled PSX this year, leaving some to wonder as to exactly why they have done so. Why have a show if there isn’t much TO show?
Just Gets Better
Wolfenstein, Metro, Forza Horizon and more are all hitting Xbox Gamepass in the month of October! The continual support for this service has been fantastic recently.
There you have it for the Weekly Recap! Don’t forget to stop by the homepage at for all the best in news, reviews, opinion pieces and more!