Nintendo Switch owners will finally have a game in the legendary Animal Crossing series to call their own. The latest game was announced during the E3 Nintendo Direct this morning and the full title is Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Have a look at the new trailer for yourself below:
The new game is not set in a town like we saw with earlier titles nor is there a campground for you to manage. It seems that the industrious Tom Nook has purchased a desert island getaway and you show up to make a new life for yourself.
It seems that Animal Crossing: New Horizons will be a significant upgrade for the franchise. There will be a crafting feature you can use to manufacture needed tools like axes and shovels. At one point in the trailer a player is seen to pole vault across a creek. Other new features include:
Hemispheres – You will finally have appropriate weather for your region based on the time of year.
More players – Up to four local players can enjoy co-op experiences and there will be support for up to eight players online.
Item flexibility – Furniture can be placed outside now.
Are you excited for Animal Crossing: New Horizons? I know I am and I suspect that friend and colleague David will be there at launch.