Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus is an upcoming turn-based title being developed by Bulwark Studios and published by Kasedo Games. Set in the Warhammer universe, this game lets players control the mysterious Adeptus Mechanicus as they investigate Necron activity. If you’re a fan, we’ve got great news: the Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus release date has been announced in a press release. Players will be able to enjoy the game starting on November 15th, 2018! To celebrate the announcement, any pre-orders will get 10% off.
Additionally, Kasedo Games has revealed the Omnissiah edition, which includes lots of extra Warhammer: 40,000 goodies. The standard edition will cost $29.99 USD, while the Omnissiah edition will cost $34.99 USD. You can pre-order the game on Steam.
Check out the Omnissiah edition of the game below:
While it’s not a traditional special edition, it’s nice that the Omnissiah edition only cost $5 more.
If you’d like to learn more about the game, you can check out my impressions of Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus from E3 2018 right here. I talked to the developers about what they have done to translate the tabletop game into a video game, as well as the pasion that they have for this project.
For more information, here’s the synopsis for the game:
Take control of one of the most technologically advanced armies in the Imperium – The Adeptus Mechanicus. As Magos Dominus Faustinius, you’ll lead the expedition on the newly rediscovered planet of Silva Tenebris. Manage resources, discover long-forgotten tech, plan tactical operations using the Noosphere technology and control your Tech-Priests every move.