Continuing our pattern over the last few weeks, Nicholas and I have put together our list of Ubisoft E3 2018 predictions. We’ve put together a list of games we might see at the Ubisoft conference and discuss whether or not they are likely to show, or what we’ll see if they do show. Let’s dive in!
 Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege
Nicholas: Rainbow Six Siege is one of the most successful online multiplayer games to date for Ubisoft. Season 3 seems to be continuing that pattern of great support for this game. This being said however, I do not think that we will see anything, besides maybe an eSports spotlight perhaps in regards to the E3 presentation.
Samuel: I pretty much agree 100%. It’s an incredibly successful game but there’s no reason for it to feature in the E3 conference.
For HonorÂ
Samuel: Much like Rainbow Six Siege, I don’t think there’s any reason to show it. More content is coming and For Honor is doing quite well but it’s way too early for a sequel. If they do show it however, I can see some sort of big expansion getting a trailer.
Nicholas:Â For Honor has been a hard work project for Ubisoft since its very rocky launch. Like many Ubisoft titles however it has definitely improved over time, especially with the addition of dedicated servers. That’s definitely improved the quality of matches, especially 1v1 fights, which often had terrible network issues on the peer-to-peer servers. That being said, I do not believe we will be seeing a sequel to this IP quite yet. However, I would not be surprised to see a content roadmap shown off or maybe some DLC.
Skull and BonesÂ
Samuel: This is a new IP focused on naval warfare that was unveiled at last year’s conference. We’ve seen practically nothing else from it yet, so it seems very likely that this will get some new gameplay footage and a trailer, maybe even an on-stage demo. With that said, I don’t think it’ll make it’s original Fall 2018 estimate, especially not with heavy hitters like Red Dead Redemption 2 dominating that time period. Early next year, or maybe even into Summer 2019, would work a lot better.
Nicholas: Not much is known about Skull and Bones, we have not seen it since last year’s E3 trailer reveal. It would be safe to assume that we could get a gameplay reveal trailer showing off more of what the game is about. We could also see a release window of possibly summer 2019.
The Crew 2
Samuel: Originally intended to launch this spring, The Crew 2 has slipped to Summer. Considering how Forza tends to be a racing powerhouse when it launches in the fall, this is probably for the best, even if the games aren’t the same type of racer.
Nicholas: The Crew 2 is set to release 18 days after Ubisoft’s E3 presentation. It is a very safe bet that we will get the final gameplay trailer as well as most likely a sizzle reel of highlights from the game. It’s easy to anticipate Ubisoft wanting to market this game like crazy with it being so close to launching.
The Division 2
Nicholas: While The Division released to much controversy, once again due to Ubisoft’s wizardry it’s a game that has had a second breath of life. The Division 2 was announced quite a few weeks back, I definitely think we will see a gameplay trailer showcasing the game and the changes it will bring from the original game. It would almost be safe to assume the Division 2 will launch in Spring 2019 due to Ubisoft’s success of launching games in the spring time period
Samuel: The Division launched in early 2016, so early 2019 makes sense for The Division 2. Ubisoft has had a lot of success launching games in that timeframe, most recently with Far Cry 5, which rocked the March NPDs. There’s no reason to assume The Division 2 wouldn’t find similar success in that window.
Splinter Cell
Samuel: A Splinter Cell game is coming. There’s simply been way too many tiny leaks and hints. On top of that, with Michael Ironside returning to voice Sam Fisher in a special mission for Ghost Recon Wildlands, I’d say there’s no way he isn’t voicing Sam for at least one last game. He also made an appearance on the last episode of Inside Xbox, so it’s quite possible we’ll see Splinter Cell announced at the Microsoft conference and expanded on at the Ubisoft show.
Nicholas: There have been endless teases that Splinter Cell will be making it return. From a game listing teasing a fall 2018 game, as well as Ghost Recon Wildlands getting some exclusive Sam Fisher DLC. Include in this Michael Ironside making an appearance on Inside Xbox, a lot of things point to this game being a reality. I am predicting that we will see a reveal trailer for Splinter Cell coming early 2019 showing an old and grizzled Sam Fisher, maybe as last huzzah for him in this franchise.
Watch Dogs 3
Nicholas: We have been getting teases every few weeks that there will be another addition to the Watch Dogs franchise. While I don’t think it will receive a launch window, but more of a teaser of what to expect and the setting of where the game will be set.
Samuel: I’m not very familiar with Watch Dogs, but Watch Dogs 2 didn’t exactly sell well. That said, there was a leak earlier this year and Ubisoft has done a fantastic job doubling down on their IPs, so it’s definitely possible we’ll get a teaser. I think it’s far more likely that Watch Dogs 3 skips this year though, instead making a grand reveal in 2019.
Beyond Good and Evil 2
Samuel: I’ll be totally honest, I have some extremely mixed emotions here. While I was definitely caught up in the long-anticipated Beyond Good and Evil 2 finally being revealed in full force last year, the fact that’s a prequel to the original game and that it’s taking more of a shared universe approach has dampened my expectations a bit. Nevertheless, it’s almost certainly going to be shown again at E3 2018, with a new trailer and gameplay footage seeming extremely likely.
Nicholas: I really don’t know enough about Beyond Good and Evil, so I’ll bow out of this one.
So there you have it, our thoughts and Ubisoft E3 2018 predictions! Overall, we can agree Ubisoft has a lot to potentially show, and Splinter Cell is absolutely, 100% going to be a part of it. We’ll have to see who ends up being right about Watch Dogs 3 though. If you agree or disagree, we’d love to hear your thoughts.
For our previous E3 2018 predictions, check out our thoughts here: