TU6: The Division 2’s Perfect Talent Tables


With the introduction of The Division 2’s TU6 Perfect Talents, comes a whole new layer of complexity to the game.

Many of us have been farming and refining our builds for several months now. However, we need to acknowledge that there are many that are just now jumping on-board. They deserve to be on-par with the rest of us  – right?!

With that in mind, the introduction of perfect gear and weapon talents has extended the longevity of this game (for me) by at least another 2-3 months.

Knowing how you can get your hands on these perfect talents so you can focus your farming efforts using the new Targeted Loot system, will certainly improve your success. So with that in mind we have created the below TU6 Perfect Talent tables to point you in the semiright direction.

That being said, if you see me online and you pickup a backpack with 13.5% weapon damage on it, send me your Paypal details and we will work something out!


For further details regarding TU6 please visit the official TCTD2 site:

Along with the update comes a new introductory side mission, Pentagon Breach, and two new main missions:

  • The Pentagon – Agents will discover the location of the perfusion bioreactor inside the Pentagon’s underground research facility. The Black Tusk have already infiltrated the lab, and are attempting to extract the reactor.
  • DARPA Research Lab – Players must make their way through the Pentagon and into the DARPA Labs, as the Black Tusk are in the process of transporting the perfusion bioreactor through an abandoned Cold War tunnel network.