Titanfall 3 Not Coming Anytime Soon


If you were looking forward to Respawns next interaction in the Titanfall franchise then you may want to rethink that. In a recent interview with IGN, Vince Zampella-the co-founder of Respawn Studios shed some light on the future of the studio and what fans can expect next from them. Zampella stated that  “There’s nothing currently in development. But it’s always there.” Continuing on he also stated that the new DICE studio in Los Angelas that he is currently leading will be renamed and is likely to be a shooter that runs on the Frostbite engine.

Zampella also went on to say that  “There’s a lot of really good shooter talent there. But I don’t want to lock it in and say that’s definitely exactly what they’re doing, because we’re going to look at everything and pick something that feels amazing. The same tenets that apply to Respawn of doing something new and exciting and kind of breaking the genre a little bit are what we’re going to apply to DICE LA. We’re going to look at trying to do something cool… We want to do something that’s not competitive with other EA games so that we’re kind of filling in the right gaps in the portfolio. We have some really good ideas, but it’ll be a little bit [before they make any announcements].”

So what exactly are Vince and the team working on? Well, hopefully during this year’s EA Play on June 11th we will find out. Let us know your thoughts on all of this in the comment section below. Also, let us know if you were looking forward to a new Titanfall game. Before you go check out our latest article regarding Ex-Respawn developers starting a brand new studio here.

Source: Gematsu