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TIC’S Top Deals of the Week 4/19/2019

Welcome to TIC’s top deals of the week, where we find the hottest deals for all of your gaming and entertainment needs. Thanks to our partners from CDkeys and Humble Bundle, we have some great deals for you. What are they? Let’s take a look below.

Xbox One

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14% off of Gears 5

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13% off of Mortal Kombat 11

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Resident Evil 7

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32% off of 6 Months of Xbox Game Pass

33% off of 12 Months of Xbox Game Pass

Nintendo Switch

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18% off of Dragon Quest Builders 2

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8% off of Football Manager Touch

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19% off of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze


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29% off of Mortal Kombat 11 + DLC

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32% off of Ace Attorney

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50 % off of Rage 2

Humble Bundle

If you love zombies, Westerns, and farming then you will enjoy the Techland Bundle which features, Dying Light, Call of Juarez, Pure Farming and more. However, you must not waste time as there are only 3 days left on this bundle. Make sure to pick it up before it’s gone. Next up, we have a Team 17 Bundle. In this bundle you can get a bunch of great games such as Overcooked 2, The Escapist, Worms, Planet Alpha and so much more.

And saving the best for last, we have the RPG Bundle. This bundle features some of the best RPGs on the market. In this amazing bundle you can get games like The Witcher 3, Borderlands, Pillars of Eternity, Darksiders and that’s just to name a few. This deal is truly one of the best values in gaming. Be warned, there are only three days left on this deal so don’t waste any time.



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Joshua D.
Joshua D.
Just a Guy who loves Anime and Video Games

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