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TICGN’S O.W.R for September 2016


Welcome ladies and gentlemen to TICGN’S O.W.R for the month of September 2016. This is an article where we review the pickups from TICGN’s Comic section using one word or a specific phrase. These words or phrases can range from what we felt after reading the comic or to what we the readers think the comic was about.  We only got a few new titles that launched this month such as Teen Titans and Trinity,which both I really enjoyed. You will noticed the lack of Marvel related comic books on this list. That is because Civil war 2 is still going on and most of the tie-in’s are terrible. But don’t be alarmed guys, I bought a  ton of Marvel’s Now! books that will be on the next Top 5 that will come out soon.




Batman #6,7


Batman (2016-) #7


Word for #6 – Emotional

Word for #7 – Weirdness

Explanation for Word #6 – The whole issue is just a reminder of what Gotham Guy could have been to the city of Gotham before he lost his mind.

Explanation for Word #7 – Using human cadavers to create monsters is not something I would have expected in Batman.

Recommend ? –  Not Recommend either issue. Both are just something that can be skipped.

David Yerion



Civil War 2 #5


Civil War II (2016-) #5 (of 8)


Word for #5 – Unbelievable

Explanation for Word #5 – Characters were on the wrong side of the fight. The fight scenes look great, yet lacked any real substance that pushed the story along. The cliffhanger is so unbelievable and anybody who reads Marvel’s comics consistently are well aware of that fact.

Reviewer – Golden Oliver

Recommend ?- No. I don’t think this book is worth your money, the story has to many plot holes and questionable moments.




Cyborg #1


Cyborg: Rebirth (2016) #1


Word for #1 – Jazz

Explanation for Word #1 – The biggest aspect of Cyborg #1 that is the Jazz club scenes.  Victor gets pretty down in the dump so his friend takes him to a jazz club and his spirit was lifted.

Recommend ?- Yes, I would recommend if you are a fan of Cyborg and want to know more about him.

Deathstrorke #2,3


Deathstroke (2016-) #2



Word for #2 – Revenge

Word for #3 – Shocking

Explanation for Word #2 – In this issue Deathstroke looks for the person who betrayed him and Wintergreen.

Explanation for Word #3 – Certain events occur that causes Slade to loose his eye!

Recommend ?- Yes, I would recommend these too issues if you want to learn more about Deathstroke.

Golden Oliver




Detective Comics #940,941


Detective Comics (2016-) #941


Word for #940 – Detective #940 Enjoyable

Word for #941 – Outstanding

Explanation for Word #940 – The colony story is coming to an end. Brining this team together was something special even if we lost one of the better characters for an undetermined amount of time.

Explanation for Word #941 – #941 Outstanding … After a dismal start in Batman the Night of Monster Men is finally getting good. What happens to Nightwing and Gotham Girl was a great twist- No Spoilers!!!

David Yerion




Green Arrow #6,7



Word for #6 – Tick- Tock

Word for #7 – Bonds

Explanation for Word #6 – Emiko goes head to head with a new Clock King

Explanation for Word #7 – When Emiko steps into a arena pit to fight for her mother’s freedom she has to face a dragon. When Emiko gets in over her head a familiar face helps her out.

Recommend ?- Definitely, this shows the relationship between Emiko and Oliver, it also shows the relationship between Emiko and her mother, Shadow.

Golden Oliver




Invincible Iron Man #13


Invincible Iron Man (2015-) #13


Word – Mourning

Explanation for #13 – This issue shows Tony Stark mouring the loss of his best friend after the events of Civil War 2.

Recommend ?- Yes, if you want a good Civil War 2 tie in that actually reflects the consequences of the actions in Civil War 2.

Golden Oliver




Justice League #4,5


Justice League (2016-) #5


Word for #4 – Lost

Word for #5 – The End

Explanation for Word #4 – I’m lost on what is going on in issue 4. The plot continues to move at rapid pace making the story damn near impossible to follow.

Explanation for Word #5 – The story arc is finally over and I barely know what went down. I thought the Kindred was helping saving the planet. They were trying to destroy the world.

Recommend ?- No, I would recommend this the story is way fast pace which makes for a confusing read.

Golden Oliver



Nightwing #4,5


Nightwing (2016-) #5


Word for #4 – Excited!!!!

Word for #5 – Comedic- Relief

Explanation for Word #4 – Bruh, that are making Raptor a more and more likeable character. They tease something that I will not spoil for you guys.

Explanation for Word #5 – Even when S@#t is hitting the fan Dick Gryson can and will crack a joke.

Recommend ?- Yes, I would recommend this book. It expands Nightwing’s universe and lure.

Golden Oliver




Raven #1


Raven (2016-) #1


Word – Adjust

Explanation for #1 – After the events of Teen Titans #24 and Detective Comics #940 Raven moves to San Francisco to live with her aunt and her family. She starts a new high school and makes new friends. In Raven #1  we see Raven adjust to her new life.

Recommend? – Yes, only if you are a big fan of Raven or just want to learn more about her.

Golden Oliver




Red Hood And The Outlaws #2


Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016-) #2


Word for #2 – Ragdoll

Explanation for #2 -Artemis tossed the Red Hood like he was a damn ragdoll. It was really funny to see happen to Red Hood.

Recommend? – Yes, this book is a lot of fun to read  and the artwork is great too.

Golden Oliver




Suicide Squad #2,3


Suicide Squad (2016-) #3


Word for #2 – Unexpected

Word for #3 – Powerful

Explanation for Word #2 – I did not see that happening. There was a character death and a familer character reintroduce in the new DC Rebirth banner.

Explanation for Word #3 – The present story was entertaining to read and got me excited for issue 4. If you have been reading this book on regular basic you will know that half the issue is a present day story and than the other half will be a character’s back story. So this issue foucus on Katana and her back story was powerful.

Recommend? – Yes I would recommend both issue there were well written character moments in these issues.

Golden Oliver



Superman #6,7


Superman (2016-) #7


Word for #6 – Intense

Word for #7 – Fantastic

Explanation for Word #6 – The whole battle against the Eradicator finally comes to an end. It may have been a few issues to late. It does not disappoint though.

Explanation for Word #7 – We finally get to witness the Superman family in a normal moment. It was something that just needed to happen.

Recommend? – Yes, I Highly Recommend both issues.

David Yerion





Teen Titans Rebirth #1


Teen Titans: Rebirth (2016) #1


Word for #1 – Introduction

Explanation for Word #1 – In this issue we meet  the members of the Teen Titans.

Recommend? – No, I would not recommend this wait for the real #1. It’s like the uneventful Batman Rebirth #1 that TiCGN reviewed.

Golden Oliver




The Walking Dead #157


The Walking Dead #158


Word for #157 – Loyalty

Explanation for Word #157 – In this Negan proves once again that he is loyal to Rick and his men.

Recommend? – Definitely, the Whisper War is heating up for the survivors.

Golden Oliver


Trinity #1


Trinity (2016-) #1


Word for #1 – Friendships

Explanation for Word #1 – Bruce, Clark, and Dianna learn to trust each other. They really bond in this issue.

Recommend? – Yes, this is a very heart warming issue where these characters just come together and have a dinner together.

Golden Oliver



Stayed tuned for October’s O.W.R. in a few weeks.

A congregate profile that has an accumulation of all our work from previous staff who articles were on our site with no name.

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