Welcome to your Weekly Comic Roundup, brought to you by TICGN’s very own Nerd House!
Great showing by Marvel this week. As usual they put out a ton of great content. This week includes 2 new series (Runaways #1 and Secret Empire Omega). Other issues of note are Venomverse #2, Rocket #5, Gwenpool #20, and Immortal Iron Fists #4.
- Amazing Spider-Man #32
- All-New Wolverine #24
- Ben Reilly The Scarlet Spider #7
- Deadpool #36
- Defenders #5
- Doctor Strange And The Sorcerers Supreme #12
- Generations Captain Marvel & Captain Mar-Vell #1
- Gwenpool #20
- Hulk #10
- Immortal Iron Fists #4
- Marvel Universe Guardians Of The Galaxy #22
- Ms Marvel #22
- Old Man Logan #28
- Rocket #5
- Runaways #1
- Secret Empire Omega #1
- Secret Warriors #6
- Star Wars Doctor Aphra #12
- Star Wars #36
- Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #24
- Uncanny Avengers #27
- Venomverse #2
- Vision – Director’s Cut #4
- Weapon X #8
- X-Men Blue #11
- Zombies Assemble 2 #2
Check out the gallery below for cover art.
DC shows up this week with a respectable turnout, including the much awaited next issue in the Dark Nights Metal series. Another issue of note is the Harley Quinn 25th Anniversary Special #1.
- Action Comics #987
- Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey #14
- Dark Nights Metal #2
- Detective Comics #964
- Flash #30
- Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #28
- Harley Quinn and Batman #3
- Harley Quinn 25th Anniversary Special #1
- Injustice 2 #23
- Justice League Of America #14
- Mister Miracle #2
- New Super-Man #15
- Red Hood And The Outlaws #14
- Scooby Apocalypse #17
- Scooby-Doo Where Are You #85
- Suicide Squad #25
- Supergirl #13
- Superwoman #14
- Teen Titans #12
- Titans #15
- Wonder Woman #30
Check out the below gallery for cover art.