With Gears of War 4 officially on the horizon, launching October 11th this year, it’s time to get fully hyped up for one of the most anticipated games this year. SegmentNext got their hands on some in game screenshots of Gears of War 4 and they look insane! Gears of War 4 has officially gone up for pre-order on the Xbox One store and Coalition has made available the details on what you’ll get in the Collectors Edition, and Ultimate Edition.
The Coalition did note that they opted for 1080p 30FPS in the campaign, since they wanted to show the ‘power’ of the Xbox One with this technical showcase of a game. The Multiplayer is confirmed to be 1080p 60FPS, and currently available as an open Beta to all Xbox One owners.
Gears of War 4 will launch on October 11th, and is exclusive to Xbox One.