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Monday, February 10, 2025

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The Weekend Warrior- Just Cause 3 and Dark Souls 3

The weekend has finally come to a close. It has become the only time for me to really get the opportunity to jump into a game and enjoy or hate the time I play. I  only had a chance to play two games this weekend: Just Cause 3 and Dark Souls 3. This  weekend was full of frustration due to the constant deaths I faced in Dark Souls 3.

In Dark Souls 3 players are tasked with bringing the Ember Lords back to their thrones. Now these Lords are larger then life bosses that can hit decimate you with a single blow. It only takes one mistake and then it’s all over. The Dark Souls series is notorious at crushing your soul as you die over and over again.

My weekend would of been perfect if I could just get passed one thing, a Mimic. The Mimic is a creature hiding inside a treasure chest. The pure fact that I couldn’t kill this damned creature on the first try ruined my whole time. I was flustered and completely at a lose for words. The only way I could save the weekend was to destroy everything in my path. I loaded up some Just Cause 3 to ease the pain.

After hours of destruction I had finally felt like I was going to be able to sleep at night. The frustration of Dark Souls 3 is completely addicting to a point. The game was played for two days, you might say just skip the chest that has murdering power. No I just couldn’t let one evil creature live in the game. What are the games are you players digging into during the week or the weekend?


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