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Super Podshots Ep. 32 – Hideo Kojima Opens New Studio, 1st Game will Debut on PS4 & New Xbox in 2019

Tic Podcast can be found on Itunes, Android and Windows
Stitcher App on Android

On the latest installment of Super Podshots, Kal El reflects on the Hideo Kojima creator of such classic’s like The Metal Gears series and Zone of the Enders. And talks about the news that he has announced a new studio and his 1st game will be a console exclusive on PS4. He then focuses his attention on what Microsoft must do next generation with their next Xbox to do better in japan and world wide. Finally finishing up with his thought on Kinect, Rare and who’s to blame.

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Demetrius B.
Demetrius B.http://Ticgamesnetwork.com
Reviewer, Streamer, Lover of all things current and retro gaming, here to put a smile on your face one video and article at a time.

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