Some Legendary Pokemon will be easier to catch for Pokemon Go Players. Starting on May 1st players will notice some new Pokemon in their Research Breakthrough Rewards. Right now you can find Lugia and Ho-Oh along with many others. Next month we will be getting Latias and Latios as well.
What do Lugia, Ho-Oh, Latias, and Latios have in common?
They’re all available as Research Breakthrough encounters for May and June! 😮
Visit this link to learn more about our other egg-citing changes in the coming weeks:— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) April 25, 2019
That’s not the only thing that will be coming to the game. Look for different Pokemon to hatch from eggs. This actually started on the 26th of April. 2 km eggs will feature Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Bonsly, and others. 5 km eggs will have Combee, Buizel, Cubone, Glameow, Bronzor, Skorupi, Croagunk. Finally those 10 km eggs will be featuring Mawile, Absol, Shinx, Cranidos, Shieldon, and Riolu. Each set of eggs will have other Pokemon that are not listed above. Go out and find some new Pokemon you haven’t seen before.