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Shining Resonance Refrain Headed to the West This Summer

Sega has announced that the most recent game in the Shining is coming to the west. Shining Resonance Refrain will be coming to the Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox One family, and Steam. Take a minute to enjoy the announcement trailer.

The game will be launching this Summer on all of those platforms. Luckily, the Playstation Blog had  Jacob Nahin Senior PR Manager of Sega of America drop some information on the game. The game itself is actually nothing new to players in Japan as it was originally released on the PS3. Jacob Nahin explains what the game is to players like me, “Shining Resonance Refrain, although brand new for the West, is a remaster of the PS3 game Shining Resonance, which was originally released only in Japan. This is the first time we are bringing it to the West. Along with improved graphics, Shining Resonance Refrain includes all of the DLC released for the original, plus a brand-new “Refrain” mode with new content which unlocks the Imperial Princess Excella and Dragonslayer Jinas as party members. This new mode is intended for those who want a second playthrough or who had previously played the game in Japan.”.

The post discusses the game’s music and adds that Shining Refrain Resonance will be shown in all its glory this Friday on Sega’s Twitch channel. That stream will be starting at 12pm Pacific time. One of the features of the game is the B.A.N.D. system. This new system allows players to use their Armonics weapons that build up the BPM (Battle Performance Mana). Once the BPM is fully set the party will perform a song that will add benefits to the group. The benefits will vary depending on which song you pick. I can say that I skipped this game for no real good reason when I was younger. Thankfully I can still have a chance to enjoy The Shining series along with all of you. The game is listed at the price of $49.99 with no release date yet.

David Yerion
David Yerionhttp://www.Ticgamesnetwork.com
Living in Northern California. Nestled between Mt. Lassen and Mt. Shasta in a small town. Family, gaming and work are my life. Hit me up @davidyerion on Twitter. Playing since Atari 2600.

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