Sega Europe has just announced the leave of Jurgen Post, the President and COO of the European offices. The leave comes after Post’s 10 year tenure at Sega climbing the ranks as Managing Director and Senior Vice President. Building the structural integrity of a Sega after the loss of the console market, Post oversaw the company as it transitioned from one based on quantity to quality.
According to Sega Europe, Post streamlined the focus under what Sega calls the Pillar structure. Games that had the potential to become big hit franchises would become pillars around which Sega operated. These pillars would consist of Sonic the Hedgehog, Creative Assembly, Sports Interactive and Alien. Additionally, Sega Europe would follow up on their newly found momentum by acquiring three new studios. Relic Entertainment(Company of Heroes), Amplitude Studios(Endless Space 2), and Crytek Black Sea(now Creative Assembly Sofia) all under Post’s management. To top it off he has made countless deals to license, create new IP, and build new franchises. Microsoft’s Halo Wars 2 would not have been possible without Sega’s Creative Assembly.
With the current state of Sega, it’s looking like the company is becoming a force to be reckoned with. Europe holds down the fort with several AAA studios and with the new focus on PC games with Bayonetta and Vanquish, Sega is really reinvigorating itself in all types of content of different nationalities.