Rainbow Six Siege had a new update on May 11, 2016 that add one map and two operators. The new map is set in the Middle East and the two new operators are stationed there. The update is 4.56Gb and released on the PC, Xbox One, and PS4. In addition to the new content they added, removed and fixed things to the game. Lets get in to all the beautiful details.
What they added to the Game
- Valkyrie- equipped with the “Black Eye” Gyro Cam Mk2, a quick deployment sticky camera that gives her defending team a new advantage.
- Blackbeard – carries the TARS Mk 0, Transparent Armored Rifle Shield with him to battle, increasing his mobile protection without diminishing his field of vision.
- IQ’s gadget now has enhanced visual feedback.
- Tachanka’s LMG is now easier to place and easier to use.
- Montagne’s shield adds side protection.
- Buck gains grenades & reduced recoil.
- Red Dot & Reflex Triangle sights now more precise.
- Stun Grenades now detonate faster after contact.
- Reduced exposure on Operator’s head positioning while aiming.
- Animations when leaning are now mirrored on both sides.
- Indoors vs. outdoors lighting differences are now less extreme.
- Car windows are now breakable.
What they took away
- Frost loses her Nitro Cell and it is replaced with Barred wire.
- Buck’s shotgun loses range.
- Thatcher’s EMP grenade gets a range reduction.
- Sledge swaps Breach Charges for Stun Grenades.
- Thermite swaps Frag Grenades for Stun Grenades.
- The FBI SWAT Recruit Shield loadout will now have heavy armor.
What they improved in the game
FBI Operator sights losses accuracy after aiming with secondary weapon.
- Fixed – User throwing a Nitro Cell may see it go through a hole but then stick to another obstacle. The Nitro Cell collisions are now a lot smoother and will not stick to walls that it does not collide with when thrown.
- Fixed – Leaning while holding a gadget is not correctly replicated during the Death Replay.
- Fixed – Guns can be picked up for ammo if they fall directly onto a player.
- Fixed – A player would receive extra ammo if a teammate holding the very same weapon would die next to him.
- Fixed – A graphical glitch can be seen on the bombs after the Defuser was planted on night time map.
- Fixed – (PVE) AI looking in non-strategic direction after a breach has occurred.
- Fixed – Glaz’s Flip Sights were slightly misaligned.
- Fixed – A player can install Jager’s gadget on a deployable shield.
- Fixed – A player wearing Rook’s armor plate would be put into downed state instead of dying when hit by a melee attack.
- Fixed – Blitz’s head placement was misaligned with his shield.
- Fixed – Players in prone position behind a reinforced wall can be killed by frag grenades detonating on the other side.
- Fixed – (PS4) Players Met feature from the friends tab in the PlayStation dynamic menu has no functionality.
- Fixed – [Xbox One] Graphical corruption can be seen on the guns if exposed to light.
- Fixed – When the host of a custom match leaves, the match ended for all players.
- Fixed – Players were able to determine the enemy team’s IP address.
- Fixed – Jager’s unique gadget is floating once installed on a shield in hands of another defender.
- Fixed – Operators that equip Rook’s armor plate ( ceramic plate ) are put into DBNO after receiving melee damage.
- Fixed – Player cannot melee the bottom part of barricades when there is an electrified barbwire in front of it.
- Fixed – Players killed while crouching and moving will get up and stumble forward before collapsing.
- Fixed – If Castle places his deployable shield immediately after removing his reinforced barricade, players cannot vault over it.
- Fixed – Player immediately dies if he rappels into a room and lands on a Welcome Mat.
- Fixed – While spectating Tachanka,a broken animation can be observed.
- Fixed – The Fuze operator will be revived with more bullets on his pistols.
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My name is Golden Oliver and let’s game together