Pokémon GO: Earth Day Rewards and New Wild Spawning Legendaries

Pokémon GO: Earth Day Rewards and New Wild Spawning Legendaries

Pokémon GO has been busy this week, announcing all kinds of new updates, events, and now new legendaries.

Today, on their official Twitter account, they gave a vague announcement;

The Tweet hints at the newest legendary trio to be brought into the game: Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie. Though Niantic has been steadily releasing legendaries into the game, this trio in particular is special because they’re the first ever to spawn in the wild. That’s right – players have a chance at getting one of these legendaries by encountering them in the wild, unlike the usual gym battle method.

While this is exciting, there are still some missing conformations about how these encounters work. People who have had encounters with these Pokémon have reported they’re found nearby lakes, which would make sense as it’s fitting to their Pokémon. Additionally, it appears that these Pokémon may be regional; Azelf has only been spotted in the Americas, Uxie in Asia-Pacific, and Mesprit in Europe. While reports from users seem to be consistent, there is still no official confirmation from Niantic.

In addition to the excitement of the legendaries, Pokémon GO has officially started their Earth Day event as well. Until May 2nd, users will be encountering ground type Pokémon more frequently, with 2x stardust and candy with catches. In addition, there’s a chance to encounter a shiny Diglett, and raids will be focused more on ground types as well. During the event, players will be able to battle Groudon in tier five raids, with a chance of encountering a shiny if defeated.

Make sure to make the most of the Earth Day event until May 2nd, and keep your eyes peeled for legendary Pokémon spawning in the wild.