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Overwatch Gets PTR on PC and New Details for Competitive Mode

For those playing Overwatch on the PC, there is now a new region available to play. This is the Public Test Region that enables PC gamers to try out updates before the officially release. Currently, the Public Test Region, or PTR, is hosting the highly anticipated Competitive Mode. While not all details have been released about the upcoming mode, a few were released in the patch notes to the region.

What we do know is that each match will be skill rating based matching that is determined by ten placement matches. Like most games with competitive modes, this skill rating will fluctuate based on the outcome of each game you play.

A noticeable addition is a sudden death format to end all matches. Many complained about games that lasted too long due to being able to respawn during over-time. Now with sudden death, if you die during over-time, you stay dead.

The last of the changes include a more severe punishment for leaving a match or being gone too long. Infractions will cause players to wait to play their next round, until the previous round finishes. Get caught with too many infractions and you can find yourself with a lengthy suspension.

While these are only some details of what is in it, there is still no confirmation on hero limits. Until then, you will be stuck facing off with entire teams of Bjorn.

See all the details at Overwatch.com.

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