A new characters have been announced for Jump Force. Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star and Ryo from City Hunter. Now we all know the Fist of the North Star franchise, but what exactly is City Hunter? Well here is a brief synopsis: “Ryo Saeba is a “sweeper” in the city of Tokyo. His works as a trouble shooter, cleaning the streets of vermin, and helping out desperate people. Sometimes he’s a bodyguard, sometimes he’s an assassin, whatever Ryo does he does it well. In fact his only flaw is his hormones – he loves the ladies and sometimes turns into an idiot when he’s near them.”
We also get to see a brand new map that is located in Paris. Jump Force also has gotten a official release date, it will come out February 15th, 2019. The game is slated to come out on the Xbox One, PS4, and PC.