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Microsoft’s Gamescom Conference Hints At More Games To Be Added To The Backwards Compatibility List

By now most Xbox One owners who follow gaming news are probably aware of the upcoming backwards compatibility feature on their console. Members of the preview program have already been enjoying some of the games added to the beta program and earlier this week Gears of War and Shadow Complex were added to the list. If the background video that was playing during Microsoft’s Gamescom conference is any indication we can expect more notable Xbox 360 games to be playable on Xbox One. The good folks over at Kotaku have carefully examined the footage and here are some of the titles they spotted in the video in no particular order.

Far Cry 3

Bioshock Infinite

Civilization Revolution

Dark Souls

Battleblock Theater

Brothers In Amrs: Hell’s Highway

Alan Wake

Banjo Tooie

You can watch the brief video clip for yourself and see if you can identify additional titles:

Some of you may notice that the titles listed above include several games that were included in Microsoft’s Games with Gold program. Coincidentally, Microsoft has also announced that all future Games with Gold titles will be playable on Xbox One through the backwards compatibility feature.

Curiously, no titles from Activision appear to be slated for backwards compatibility on Xbox One. Call of Duty: Black Ops II is currently the most requested game on the Xbox User Feedback website so it is unfortunate that Activision has given no indication that the game will ever be playable on Xbox One.

Microsoft says several publishers such as Bandai Namco, Disney, Capcom, Square Enix, Bethesda Softworks and Electronic Arts have agreed to make their games playable on Xbox One. Several upcoming games such as Rainbow Six Siege, Fallout 4 and Just Cause 3 are offering free copies of earlier games in their respective franchises as purchase incentives.

Are there any Xbox 360 games you wish would be available on Xbox One through backwards compatibility? Let us know in the comments section.

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