In the late 80’s and early 90’s, a lot of transformation based shows were becoming popular. The one that rose above them all was the Power Rangers. Others franchises with similar themes were all but forgotten to time. One of them, Super Human Samurai Syber-Squad, or Gridman as it’s known in Japan, looks to be resurrected via anime.
For those unfamiliar to the franchise just think Power Rangers but with a cyber theme. The American run of the show was about a group of teens who gain the ability to digitize into computers and fight off viruses similar to the show Megaman NT Warrior. While at times the show was a bit campy, it did have its moments of intense hype action. Just check out the intro below. The entire American run is available at youtube.
Studio Trigger the team behind Kill La Kill are teaming up with the owners of the Gridman property Tsuburaya Productions. The project will be released come Autumn 2018 according to the official Gridman website. The new show will be titled Gridman SSSS.