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Here’s a Hunting Guide for Red Dead Redemption 2

Tired of roaming from West Elizabeth to Lemoyne looking for that one perfect moose pelt? Want to start maximizing your hunting trips so you don’t have to keep going back and forth from camp after each kill? You came to the right place friend. Welcome to my hunting guide for Red Dead Redemption 2.
The hunting system in Red Dead Redemption 2 is pretty robust and the local wildlife is fairly spread out, making finding good spots to hunt several types of game a bit tough. Here’s five solid locations you can make camp at to maximize your kills. I have also included main story chapter recommendations for each section (namely so your trips back to camp aren’t so long). While these spots don’t cover all the game Arthur Morgan will need to hunt down to get every craftable item in the game, this should at least help him knock out a good chunk off his shopping list. (If you don’t understand the basics of the hunting mechanics, I recommend consulting our beginner’s guide here).

#1 Cattail Pond / Wallace Station

[Chapter 2]

A solid location just west of Valentine, you can knock out a good variety of game in the area. Elk are going to be your big game kills that will take up the rear of your horse to bring that perfect pelt back to camp, but you can also pick up a few Sheep, Wolves, Deer, and there’s even Horses in the area.

Hunting Guide for Red Dead Redemption 2

#2 Gill Landing

[Chapter 3]

Just east of Flatneck Station, you’ll come across the more open prairie and the lake, where you’ll find a good mix of game. Here is where you’ll want to go for the Bison as your big game kill, so you’ll most likely want to have your sniper rifle at the ready. You can also snag a Pronghorn or two, Foxes, Rabbits, Squirrels, Racoons, Coyotes, and if you have an eagle eye, Snakes down by the lake.

Hunting Guide for Red Dead Redemption 2

#3 Larned Sod

[Chapter 3]

East of Emerald Ranch, you’ll come across your first and hopefully only time you will have to risk your reputation on poaching domesticated animals. Yes, there are Bison and other prairie game  available here, but we have bigger fish (beef?) to fry. Here you have the Larned Sod homestead, one of the few places you can find a herd of Goats and one pesky rancher. Deal with him how you see fit, skin a few goat hides, then head east to the nearby ranch where you can find Cows and Oxen too. The trick is though, you gotta be quick if you want to get out alive with your pelts because the law is going to be coming for you!

Hunting Guide for Red Dead Redemption 2

#4 Macomb’s End

[Chapter 4]

Look. You can find Boar all across Lamoyne. And anytime you find a perfect boar, kill it and save it for John Marston’s stupid bed. But if you want to get Boar, Alligators, Turtles, Snakes, and assorted swamp birds, this is the place to be. Just south of Pleasance, you’ll find this little peninsula. Search the shores for gators and snakes, but boar are going to be all over the place. Just make sure you leave and come back every so often for more perfect boar to spawn.

Hunting Guide for Red Dead Redemption 2#5 Roanoke Valley / Kamassa River

[Chapter 4]

We truly did save the best for last here. By far the best spot I’ve found for big game hunting has got to be the Roanoke Valley. The incredibly-illusive Moose, Bears, and even the occasional Elk can be found here so you are going to have to choose your big game slot carefully. Cougars, Squirrels, Deer, Wolves, Horses, Foxes, Racoons, and Beavers (yes, beavers) are all in the area. The best part about this little gem however, is that all you need to do is keep going down river and you end up in the bayou where you can go after all the swamp animal game but also trade your pelts to the dedicated Trapper in Saint Denis! If you’re coming late to the hunting game, I’d suggest you start here and just several trips up and down the river.

Hunting Guide for Red Dead Redemption 2

Hunting Guide for Red Dead Redemption 2

This concludes my hunting guide for Red Dead Redemption 2. If there’s other subjects you’d like us to help you out with, please leave a comment below.


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