Last week we reported that Microsoft would be releasing a limited edition Gears of War 4 console later this year. Today Microsoft officially announced the console and released a trailer showing it in all of its battle damaged glory. Check it out:
As reported last week, the limited edition console is crimson red in color and it appears to be stained as if it had been near a fire. The top of the console has a skull within a CoG logo and laser etched claw marks around the disc drive area. The included controller is similarly decorated complete with claw marks around the face buttons and a bloody thumb print on the D-Pad. You also get a 2TB hard drive inside, a vertical stand, Gears of War 4: Ultimate Edition which will be playable on October 7th along with the game’s season pass. Finally, there are a number of exclusive skins included such as a Vintage Del pack, a Vintage Oscar Elite Gear pack which has the vintage lancer skin and the vintage boomshot. The price is $449 USD which isn’t bad when you consider that the Ultimate Edition is $99.99 USD by itself and the console doubles as an Ultra HD Blu-ray player with HDR support.
Microsoft also released new gameplay trailers for Gears of War 4. Watch them with us:
Gears of War 4 Single Player Trailer:
Gears of War 4 Forge Multiplayer Trailer:
Are you looking forward to Gears of Wars 4? Let me know in the comments section.