Frank West’s back and he’s definitely making it known to the world. In preparation for San Diego Comic Con, Capcom has revealed Dead Rising 4’s presence at the event. It seems like it’ll be hard to escape the upcoming zombie game if you’ll be at SDCC.
From Thursday July 21 to Sunday July 24, fans will be able to play Dead Rising 4 and meet some of the developers at Nerd HQ 2016 (located at the New Children’s Museum). Along with this, you’ll be able to play some other big Xbox games including Gears of War 4, Forza Horizon 3, Halo Wars 2 and more. This event is free, so if you’re in the area but not going to SDCC it’ll be worth checking out.
On Saturday July 23, Capcom will be hosting a special Dead Rising 4 panel titled Pop Culture Influence in Zombie Video Games. The panel will discuss how zombies have invaded media in every platform; film, television, comics and especially video games. The panel will be hosted by several developers of Dead Rising 4, crew members from Dead Rising: End Game and Greg Miller. New footage and information about Dead Rising 4 will be revealed at the panel, so it’s a must-see for any Dead Rising fan.
And ladies, it looks like things didn’t work out with Isabela Keyes or Rebecca Chang because Frank West has released his dating site profile. The infographic has Frank giving out his “secrets” on how he dresses as well as some other info about the iconic character. Just don’t ask him about his age, that’s a touchy subject.
Dead Rising 4 is coming out December 6 on Xbox One and Windows 10.