Those of you with dwindling memory to spare but a burning desire to dip into Fallout 4 as soon as possible can rest easy in the knowledge that, thanks to the beauty of compression, Fallout 4 will clock in at a measly 28.12GB as per Xbox Store page.
By comparison the last gen outings of Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas weighed in at 4.75GB and 5.48GB respectively. With a boasted 400+ hours of gameplay and over 110k lines of dialogue it becomes apparent just how much tinkering has gone into keeping that file size to a minimum. With planned DLC set to start rolling out in 2016 (confirmed by VP of PR Pete Hines as being non exclusive and releasing simultaneously across platforms) and the advent of PC mods being available for console fans will no doubt be filling their disc space with Fallout content anyway.
Fallout 4 releases November 10th