Earlier this month Microsoft make Killer Instinct Season One Ultra Edition free for Xbox Live Gold subscribers. While a worthy addition to your gaming library, the game will soon enter its third season and you might want to get caught up with the season two characters before then.
This week’s Deals with Gold sale can help you out with that. If you already have Season One in your library then you can get the upgrade pack for only $10. This includes all nine of the season two characters for your brawling pleasure.
If you feel like going all in, the Season Two Ultra Edition is also on sale for 50% off ($20 USD.) In addition to all of the season two characters you will receive all of their alternate costumes and the Killer Instinct 2 Classic game.
Remember that Killer Instinct will be a cross-buy title when the game is released on PC this year. Everything you buy now will be available on both the Xbox One and PC versions of the game.