Earning some extra cash and playing video games are two of my more favorite things in this world. After years of spending money on my favorite hobby, I have come across a way for my favorite hobby to make me some money. This is where VMC comes in. VMC is one of a few companies that offer this service and is the one I fully recommend. I have been with this company since 2015 and I have had nothing but a great experiences with them.
Earning the extra cash is not even the best part of being with VMC. It’s knowing that you were a key component to making sure a game releases with as little issues as possible. In gaming we seemed to be plagued with games that could have been released in a much better state. So what could be better than being apart of the solution? As long as you have a platform that plays games you can be apart of the VMC team. An Xbox One, Ps4, PC, Android Phone & or iPhone is all you need to get started. The biggest key is to be mindful of the NDA you will sign upon joining. As in everything in life regarding a non-disclosure agreement be sure to follow it to the letter.
Not long ago I made a video addressing the benefits of joining this company. Recently that video has been receiving numerous comments with questions and concerns. In the video below I have taken some of those questions and answered them to the best of my abilities.