The Weekend Warrior has not been around for a few months for a number of reasons. Now that summertime is here I thought it would be a great time to start the series back up when I get some free time. Finally, on Sunday June 9th I didn’t have to work or partake in any family activities that would take me away from playing any game like.
What I picked to play is part of a series that I fell in love with years ago. Long before it was bought up by Activision, Blizzard made some amazing games that kept players in them for years after their release date. Diablo is one of those games that many of us have spent hundreds of hours playing. Having originally played Diablo III on Xbox 360, I decided to become reacquainted with the game on the PS4.
Purchasing DLC content for a character that costs $15 is usually something I just never do. It is an insane waste of money in my eyes. But this is the Necromancer we are talking about, a character that should have been in the original release. Now I wasn’t expecting to just destroy everyone and cruise through the first act of the game with this character.; I expected some difficulty. Currently I’m sitting at level 13 in the second act with nothing that can really damage me. My character regains health constantly and his essence (magic) is easily replenished when I kill any monster.
As you can see from the video, there is a certain point when you get a small army of undead ghost warriors to kill everything. Now you also get the Templar that you would have received in the original version. This game is going to suck me back in to the point that I might actually think spending that $15 is a good investment. Even these trees are just no match for my brutality, I had thought they would have really done some damage to me. Currently I have only fought the Skeleton King and he made me almost think I was going to lose some life.
At this point I feel like I will just breeze through the first few difficulty levels on Diablo III alone. I haven’t even had the time to play online with other players yet. I can just imagine four necromancers obliterating everything around them. Next weekend is forecasted to be almost 100 degrees where I live so I should either be in the swimming pool or hiding inside like Gollum playing some more Diablo III.