Spring is here for some places and with the change in the season we get new events in video games. For players in Destiny 2 we get The Revelry. This event will get players the chance to collect new weapons, armor, and emotes with some Spring time flair.
Players will find themselves jumping back into the Verdant Forest. That same area you went to back in October during Festival of the Lost. This time you won’t be stuck in the Haunted Forest, welcome to a spring filled forest of doom. The more spaces you clear the more time you will have to defeat five different bosses. Expect plenty of Spring themed loot as you cruise through the forest.
In the tower Eva Levante will be giving out Reveler’s Tonic. This tonic can be filled by killing bosses in the Verdant forest or by completing different tasks. There will be three different tonics that reduce the cool down of grenades, melee, or class ability. During this event you will notice some new armor. The Inaugural Revelry set will allow those tonics to be more powerful depending the amount of armor you have on.
When the event starts you will also be lucky enough to get double drops on engrams. You will get Bright Engrams and Revelry Engrams during this event. It will be ending on May 7th. Hope to see you out and about in Destiny 2.