Death Stranding is the highly anticipated first game from Kojima Productions, the game is set to release on November 8th, 2019 on PlayStation 4. Today via Twitter Hideo Kojima officially announced that Death Stranding has gone gold. It has been a long road for both the studio and Hideo Kojima leading up to this moment. From the moment Kojima left Konami to head his own studio, fans knew that we would be getting something bold and new. Death Stranding has no doubt had its confusing moments, a good portion during the development of the game many fans didn’t even know what the game was about. Now the game is just over a month away, and fans cannot wait to get their hands on the game. Whether the game is a masterpiece or a disaster, the ride leading up this point has been amazing to observe. Congratulations to Kojima and his team, bring on November 8th!
DEATH STRANDING is complete and has gone gold!! Hideo Kojima, the Kojima Productions team, everyone at Sony and Guerrilla, cast members; all put their heart and soul into it. Thanks for your support, we can’t wait to bring you a new “A HIDEO KOJIMA GAME”. Play it on Nov 8th!!
— Kojima Productions (@KojiPro2015_EN) September 26, 2019
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