A short while ago we shared details of Elon Musk’s plans to bring gaming to Tesla vehicles by porting game engines Unity and Unreal. Today we see first signs of that initiative gaining steam.
Cuphead the classic 1930’s inspired run and gun action game is coming to Tesla vehicles. In an interview with Elon Musk Ryan Mcaffrey, host of the Tesla focused podcast Ride the Lightning, shared details of the games’ arrival to Tesla dashboards.
According to Musk himself, the game will be playable via USB controllers and not any of the other input methods unique to Tesla vehicles. According to studio MDHR the game had to play “super super clean” in order for the studio to even contemplate porting the game. Maybe some other game will use the unique steering wheel and gas peddle inputs Musk teased.
One main difference between this version of the game and the ones on Xbox, Switch, and PC is that the Tesla version only had the first island as playable. The reason for such a drastic cut in content comes from the limitations on the Tesla due to “storage limitations.”
Cuphead is promised to arrive to Tesla vehicles this summer.
Source: IGN