Well the fanboys were divided but it looks like at the end of the day Batman v.s. Superman: Dawn of Justice has continued the DC Cinematic Universe’s trend of mediocrity started by 2013’s Man of Steel. With the new movie releasing tomorrow, reviews have been pouring in from numerous sources and it seems the vote is unanimous that Dawn of Justice will not be the kick start DC was looking for.
Currently sitting at 32% on Rotten Tomatoes with 162 reviews and counting there is little doubt that Zack Snyder has failed to deliver a film worth the price of the admission ticket. But why not have a look at what the big news outlets are saying:
“There are moments that make the whole enterprise worthwhile, and introduces an intriguing new Batman. But it’s also cluttered and narratively wonky; a few jokes wouldn’t have gone amiss, either.”
“While ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ has good things to recommend it, its shortcomings are undeniable.”
“Dawn of Justice starts off as an intriguing meditation about two superheroes turning to an all-too-human emotion: hatred out of fear of the unknown. Two and a half hours later it winds up somewhere very far from that—but at the same time, all too familiar. It’s another numbing smash-and-bash orgy of CGI mayhem with an ending that leaves the door open wide enough to justify the next 10 installments. Is it too late to demand a rematch?”
“That face-off between two comics legends becomes but one in a series of big things bashing into other big things, which is what Snyder and writers Chris Terrio and David S. Goyer mistake for storytelling.”
While praise did come from Heroic Hollywood and a few other publications it has been few and far between. It’s also being reported that the Justice League films in 2017 and 2018 will be lighter, with the Flash acting as comedic relief. One thing is for sure and that’s that all eyes now point towards Suicide Squad, which comes out later this year, to finally push the DCCU in the right direction.
What do you think? Is the director at fault or is the gritty tone still the issue? Let us know in the comments below!