I woke up today to some awesome news. Injustice 2 will receive even more amazing fighters in the third Fighter Pack. Enjoy the trailer below.
I just can’t believe that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will be playable in Injustice 2. This is one of the coolest additions to come to a fighting game via DLC. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to see Atom and Enchantress represent the DC roster but the TMNT bring something unique to the table. Not shown in the trailer is whether or not the turtles will be one playable character or each their own separate fighter.
Players will get the chance to play as Atom on Deck. 12th. No release date for the Fighter Pack 3 has been released. The DLC packs are included in the Ultimate Edition or by purchasing the Ultimate Pack. You can check out our review for Injustice 2 here.