Avalanche Studios has announced their first self-published action game, Generation Zero. The new game will feature a 1980’s feel with cutting edge visuals where players will be able to explore a vast open world with day/night cycles and unpredictable weather patterns using Avalanche’s Apex Engine. Enjoy the trailer below.
The game will also feature 4 player co-op where players can choose to either go at it alone or to team up with three other friends in order to level the playing field as you scavenge for weapons, traps and various equipment in an intense sandbox combat. You will also be able to combine your skills in order to take down enemies, pick up your downed allies and share loot once an enemy is defeated.
All enemies in the game will be simulated persistently within the world and will roam the landscape with an intent and purpose. Â If you’re able to defeat a specific enemy component – whether it be their armor or sensory component –Â they will bear those scars the next time you run across them no matter if that happens within minutes, hours or even weeks later.
The Game Director Emil Kraftling described the game, “Generation Zero is a true passion project. In a sense, it’s an ominous recreation of our childhoodfantasies, playing war in the serene forests of 1980’s Sweden.”
Generation Zero will release for the Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC in 2019.
Source: Avalanche Studios