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Anthem Gets A Massive Patch Early


Anthem players have been encountering numerous issues that have really been undermining their experience. System crashes, glitches, bugs, unbalanced weapons, and items, only to name a few. Players have been eagerly awaiting some sort of patch that would help alleviate even some of their troubles. Not too long ago, it was announced there would be one around the 16th of March. Well since the team over at BioWare has been working endlessly to work on these fixes, they felt they could release it early. Yeah, early. It launches tomorrow morning March 9th between 7-9am Central Standard Time. From reading the patch notes it looks like they have addressed many of the issues plaguing players but not all of them. This is a great move on BioWare’s part, putting something out early to help improve the player experience instead of waiting for the original date. Here’s a sample of some of the fixes/changes that stood out for me.

High-level fixes and changes
  • Respawn restrictions have been removed – Respawn timers are now based on the activity a player is in. Crit-Path, Agent Missions and other non-end game missions now have a respawn timer of 10 seconds. Strongholds, Legendary Contracts, and other end game missions now have a respawn timer of 30 seconds. The respawn timer Freeplay remains unchanged.
  • Loot Changes – Common (white) and Uncommon (green) drops will no longer appear for players that are level 30.
  • The ability to Quickplay into a Stronghold has been added back to the game
  • Players may now launch an expedition from anywhere within the launch bay and Fort Tarsis. 
  • PS4 led lights will now change based on the javelin being used
  • The Ultimate ability bar will no longer appear full at the start of a mission when it isn’t actually full
  • Increased the base health of Wind Wall and Bulwark Point to provide better scaling in higher difficulties. The duration of these has been reduced to 20 seconds, down from 60 seconds

This is only a small sample of what’s to come out with patch 1.0.3. Hopefully, we can continue to see this support, and the quick response BioWare has been providing Anthem. Check out the full patch notes here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/News-Updates/Anthem-Update-1-0-3/m-p/7651795/thread-id/8

What do you think of this latest patch? Have you been enjoying Anthem? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to check back for the latest gaming news and information.

Jared E.
Jared E.http://Ticgamesnetwork.com
Hey there everyone! I'm just a prairie dog Canadian that loves to game! I have been heavily interested in tech and games (more so the games part). To this day, i just can't get enough!

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