A press release has revealed that Evolve is about to experience a massive shake up. 2K and Turtle Rock Studios have announced the beginning of a month long “Sheer Madness” event which will introduce new content updates. Players can expect 5 updates over a 5 week period that will include three character adaptations, three new map variants, a brand new co-op mode as well as some community requested features. Week one of this event sees The Quantum Surge Update. This update includes:
- An all new “Try Before you Buy” option, where all hunters, monsters, skins and perks that you’d normally earn using Silver Keys are now unlocked in the game’s Training Mode.
- Balance changes
- A brand new series of Advanced Hunter tutorials
- Some first steps towards improving widespread community issues on matchmaking and leavers
The biggest update is the inclusion of a new character. A medic known as Quantum Caira.
“Quantum Caira keeps the team alive through sustained healing and careful positioning. Her Regeneration Fields create healing zones while her Neutron Barrier blocks damage for the whole team, as long as she’s in the right place. Unlike other medics she has no healing burst so a well-positioned Regeneration Field combined with a well-timed Proton Field are the keys to success with Quantum Caira.”
Quantum Caira’s abilities include a Proton Field that deals damage to enemies over time. She also is equipped with a Regeneration Field that will slowly heal nearby hunters over time. There is also the Neutron Barrier that applies a short damage-resistance buff to all nearby hunters. Finally there is Caira’s Generyst Field. This simultaneously heals hunters and damage monsters for the duration of the effect.
It’s certainly interesting to think what might be in store for Evolve, and I can’t wait to see how this changes the game. Only time will tell, but I personally feel this is a step in the right direction. Have a look at the trailer below to see Caira in action.